Task 6.1. Conclusions and general recommendations. The development of a High Level Round Table (HLRT) to reach final conclusions on scenarios for decentralization and better involvement of SSFS in decision process.
This task summarizes the case-study based inputs obtained through the combination of already developed desk-analysis and consultations with stakeholders (Actions 1 to 5) to investigate the need, aspiration and capabilities for a more participatory model of SSFs in management in south-westerns waters. A HLRT (in combination with the final seminar) will be organized to analyze the important capabilities required in a broader involvement process (financial resources to take over responsibility for management procedures, and/or professional skills, for example) and to explore scenarios under which it would be possible to facilitate a broader involvement of SSFS in decision process.
The participants in the HLRT will in advance receive relevant background to benefit the discussion during the HLRT. A SWOT analysis will allow to produce outcomes in terms of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats on how in practice to introduce a broader representation of SSFS in decision taken process.
Deliverable 6.1. Report on scenarios for a broader impact of the SCFS in governance structures in south-western waters and further steps.
MARE14_Deliverable 6.1 (PDF)