AZTI is a private non-profit research foundation established in 1981. AZTI carries out strategic and applied research, providing innovative solutions to customers, generating new knowledge. It is a centre of excellence in research, development and technological transference in the fields of Oceanography, Marine Environment, Fisheries and Food Technology. AZTI’s expertise spans a large array of topics including data collection, stock assessment, fisheries and marine socio-economics, fishing technology both harvesting and processing, aquaculture, marine monitoring and quality assessment, marine spatial planning (MSP), ocean renewable energies, energy efficiency in maritime transport, etc. AZTI has also coordinated 10 EU research projects and been an active participant in over 50 EU-funded projects of different topics, tasks and objectives in marine environment.
In the field of fisheries small scale fisheries, AZTI’s multidisciplinary team has provided support to the Basque Country Small Scale Fishing Sector throughout the value chain, comprising collection of socio-economic, biological and environmental data, resource assessment, fishing gear technology, and fish handling and processing, amongst others. AZTI has expertise in measuring the impact of fisheries and marine management decisions on the social fabric of fishing communities, having even assessed the impact of diverse uses of the seas (e.g. aquaculture, marine renewable energies) on the small scale fishing activity and provided criteria to spatial management of coastal areas. AZTI has also provided scientific support to the fishing sector in diverse working groups within the South Western Waters AC.

The new CFP and the Delegated Act 242/2015 laying down the functioning of AC specify the role and objectives of AC.
SWW AC is the AC with the highest number of members, and is competent for ICES zones VIII, IX and X, including so far waters around Azores, Canary Islands and Madeira. One of its tasks is the representation of small scale fishermen, which has resulted in the creation of a specific Working Group.
SWW AC has its headquarters in France. It was established as an association when it was created, meaning that it is a private company. Given that most of its funds come from public authorities, strict controls are being operated each year regarding its accountancy.
Its technical work is also realized with total transparency.

Fundación Lonxanet para la Pesca Sostenible (Lonxanet Foundation for Sustainable Fishing) is registered in Spain, as private non-profit foundation, with nº 2003/13 from the “Registro de Fundaciones de Interés Gallego de Consellería del Mar de Xunta de Galicia (Foundations of Galician Interest Register from the Fisheries Ministry of the Regional Government of Galicia) through the Order of the 12th of February of 2003 of the Presidency, Institutional Relations and Public Administrations Ministry, published on the DOGA (Official Gazette of Galicia) nº 37 of the 21st of February of 2003. We will enclose the certificate of registration (certificado FLPS_Fund Interes Gallego_XUNTA 050503.pdf). Currently, the social address is on the Fernando Gonzalez Street, number 4, 4th floor of A Coruña (Galicia, Spain). Consellería de Medio Rural y do Mar is the Fisheries Ministry from the regional government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia). This Ministry is the Protectorate Body of the Lonxanet Foundation. The Protectorate will ensure the proper exercise of the Foundation’s rights and for the legality of its establishment and operation of all Foundations. The protectorate is exercised by the regional Public Administration (Xunta de Galicia), in the manner determined by regulation, for the Law 50/2002 of 22/dic, of Foundations.
Is involved in the small scale fishing activity in the Basque Country. He is also engaged as a fisherman in the initiative “Low impact fishers of the EU” – Life.