Task 5.1. To prepare a brochure describing the aims of the project, this will be distributed in events concerning fisheries in the EU.
Deliverable 5.1. Brochure of the project
Task 5.2. A one day first seminar will be organized and conducted to present the results of the first half of the project. These results will include the map of the SSF organizations and the assessment of the degree of involvement of SSF organization in the private and public institutional fabric and especially in ACs. The seminar will provide in-depth information about the SSFs governance challenges in the selected case studies in south-western waters. A static photograph of the current institutional model to manage SSFs will be presented.
The minutes on the first seminar (Deliverable 5.2) will be distributed to the invited participants. Presentations will be prepared in order to present the results.
The target group of the first seminar will be conformed by representatives of the SSFS in the different countries from south-western waters.
Deliverable 5.2. Minutes of the first seminar of the project
Task 5.3. A second seminar will be conducted to present the results of the second half of the project. These results include the good practice study, the gap analysis and the assessment of the feasibility to create a new AC for SSF.
A High Level Round Table (HLRT) will also be organized with part of the stakeholders attending the second seminar within the Action 6 tasks but also including policy makers from the three countries if possible. However, The HLRT will be dedicated to a discussion with the participants in order to evaluate consequences of the findings for policy making, and elaborate recommendations. A set of SSFs modified or new management models will be tested with stakeholders and particular in relation to how management responsibilities can be delegated to SSFS stakeholders.
Deliverable 5.3. Minutes of the final seminar of the project and the High Level Round Table.
Task 5.4. At least two articles will be published in specialized media with high impact on SSFs, providing the results of the intermediate and final seminars.
Deliverables 5.4. At least two articles to be published in specialized media.
Task 5.5. A Web page will be created to act not only as a dissemination tool but also as a platform for interaction and coordination with stakeholders. This web page would show to the public in general the importance in terms of healthy food providing of the SSFS, as well as the low exosystemic impact of this fisheries if compare with industrial fisheries. Other media resources will be used (e.g. Twitter, etc.). The web page could include or could be linked to the already existing virtual observatory of artisanal fisheries (http://www.itsasnet.com/category/pesca/observatorio-de-pesca-artesanal/) as a web-based collaborative work-space to contribute to the permanent communication between fishermen.
Deliverables 5.5. Web page.