


For each task (under different actions and stages) two kinds of methodologies will be identified with the aim of: (i) getting knowledge according to the different objectives within each task and, (ii) analyzing the information obtained. One particular aspect of this project is the combination of multiple qualitative and quantitative techniques summarized in following table, and briefly explained below.


The project will conduct a review of the already existing literature with the aim of getting information and assessing how different studies analyze the influence of SSFS in governance process. Moreover, the possibilities for decentralization/devolution of the SSFS governance under the umbrella of the CFP. In particular, this review will address, if exist, how is aimed at achieving co-management in different SSFS in south-western waters. This will include an analysis of the regulatory measures and policy instruments. Tasks under Action 2 and 3 will benefit of this desk-analysis. In a lesser extent web-based desk-investigation will also apply in Tasks under Action 1 and Action 4.
Much of the complexity of the proposed actions is the related to the fact that the information should be obtained directly from the stakeholders. Who, Where and What SSFS governance issues will be investigated through developing semi-structured questionnaires and face to face interviews with SSFS stakeholders. This methodology will be used specifically to develop the Actions 1, 2 under Stage 1. The stakeholder consultation will be carried out in each of the chosen south-western waters case-studies/regions.
Actions 3 and 4 within Stage 2 will get information through developing focus groups together with participatory techniques.
The outcome of the round table discussions should be a consensus on how could be in practice a broader involvement of the SSFS in decision taken-process. The main outcome should provide policy-makers and representatives with guidelines on how co-management structures can be implemented in for SSFS in the south-western waters. In practical terms, we foresee a jointly event together with the final seminar.


Will be use to analyze the Action 2 (task 2.1) within the Stage 1. The key appeal of the TLA is a means of visualization of the different indicator data (attempted to measure the degree of participation in the ACs) as a series of traffic lights categorizing them.
Will be used to analyze the input from Focus Groups. A SWOT of SSFS governance system or model will be implemented for Action 3 and Action 4 under Stage 2. The participatory process was developed by using a collective action toolkit for brainstorming, as a creative technique based on the production of ideas by a group of people (focus group). After each performance, the group will organize the ideas to extract the main hypotheses taking into account the different perceptions of the stakeholders involved in the collective action toolkit.

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